
1 - Aviation School
According to the World Bank, tourism will be the first industry of the 21st century. Africa is at the same time the less prepared region of the world and the best potential. But we need to have our own companies, our own pilots and our own staff. For the moment, we do not have enough. That is why the State of the African Diaspora is proposing an Aviation School.

1- Airline Pilot
2- Ticketing and Reservation
1- Airline Pilot Training
* Option 1: Private Pilot to Certified Flight Instructor Program with 12 Instructor Position Certificates and Ratings earned:
Private Pilot
Instrument Rating
Commercial Single Engine
Commercial Multi-Engine
Certified Flight Instructor
* Option 2: Private Pilot to Multi-Engine Flight
Instructor Program with 23 Instructor Position
Certificates and Ratings earned:
Private Pilot
Instrument Rating
Commercial Single Engine
Commercial Multi-Engine
Certified Flight Instructor
Certified Instrument Instructor
Multi-Engine Instructor

2-Ticketing and Reservation
The training will make you acquire all the skills and knowledge to work in the travel industry and become an effective travel professional. There are many job prospects within other sectors as well with companies that have their own travel departments.

On course completion, participants will be able to advise customers on the flight, passport, visa and travel requirements, travel insurance options, accommodation, and tour products and will be able to use a Global Distribution System to build an itinerary, maintain airline reservations and issue airline ticket to passengers.